Documentary filmmaker Tracy Droz Tragos, who highlighted life after the 2018 Camp Fire, lost everything in the Palisades Fire ...
The home ignites, becoming the fire’s fuel. Soon, it puts off radiant heat that can ignite the exterior of the home next door ...
Jamie Johnston lived in a mobile home park known as Pacific Palisades Bowl. However, due to the rising cost of living, Johnston had to say goodbye ...
City officials are ready to rebuild. But defending against future fires requires thinking about more than buildings.
In addition to the loss of homes, property and irreplaceable keepsakes, fire victims are also faced with navigating a frustrating government bureaucracy in their recovery effort.
"The experience of losing your home is like a cleaver splitting life into two parts, the before and the after." ...
Droz Tragos is best known for her Grand Jury-winning Sundance documentary Rich Hill in 2014. Directed with her cousin Andrew ...
As fires continue to displace tens of thousands of people in Los Angeles County, experts worry about the long-term effects on ...
Los Angeles is the latest of a long list of victims of worsening wildfires. But history suggests we will forget the risks and ...