The Rotary Club's Christmas food basket project started in the 1980s with only about 50 boxes of food handed out. That number has since exploded within the first few years, and over 500 food boxes ...
They volunteered to deliver boxes of food as part of the annual Tribune-Star Christmas basket distribution, now in its 100th year. This year, the effort provided baskets to 500 families.
When food prices started to rise following the ... “Setting a budget for Christmas gifts and spending is definitely the ultimate way to make sure we don’t go over budget.
In acknowledgment of the holidays, JCOC and dozens of volunteers collaborated to give Christmas food baskets and hot meals to hundreds of struggling families and individuals in the Virginia Beach ...
Besides food and Christmas gifts, the food bank also provides diapers for parents with younger children like Mills. “There’s such a stigma on food assistance and all the government assistance.
Hundreds of volunteers once again gathered to participate in the Beaver Dam tradition for the annual Elks Christmas Basket program at Summit Ford on Tuesday to pack up hundreds of food baskets ...
The gift deliveries are part of the MNPD’s annual initiative called the “Christmas Basket Program,” which began in 1961. The MNPD collected over 150 bikes, 100 scooters and enough food to ...