Sault, the mysterious British R&B collective helmed by producer-songwriter Inflo and singer Cleo Sol, surprise-dropped a new ...
She followed up with 'It Matters to Me' the following year, scoring another hit with the title song, but it was her 1998 album 'Faith' that really cemented her superstardom, crossing over to adult ...
In a just world, Faithxtractor would be way bigger than they are now. The band's driving force, Ash Thomas, is a singular extreme metal talent and has gone underacknowledged for far too long. Although ...
The mysterious collective first shared ‘Acts of Faith’ in July, with the whole album available as a single 32-minute .wav file. Since then, fans have requested an official release. In the lead ...
Paloma Faith’s breakup album may be an indulgent affair, but her force of personality and her let-it-all-hang-out honesty carry it through its occasional doldrums, writes Fiona Shepherd Paloma ...
Earlier this year, Sault released a new album… sort of. Acts Of Faith came out in July, but the UK collective released it as a single audio file. Now, though, they’ve gone ahead and given the ...