The periodic table of chemical elements, often called the periodic table, organizes all discovered chemical elements in rows (called periods) and columns (called groups) according to increasing atomic ...
Can France claim the first periodic table? Probably not, but a French Geology Professor made a significant advance towards it, even though at the time few people were aware of it. Alexandre Béguyer de ...
Want to learn more about this centerpiece of chemistry? Take your pick from this collection of links about elements and the periodic table! Build an element ball, solve periodic puzzles, and check out ...
In the previous chapter we have demonstrated that defects in the otherwise periodic photonic-crystal lattice can localize light. In this chapter we will show that if material of a photonic crystal is ...
Fig. 1 Soliton comb generation from polygon modes. (a) Simulated group velocity dispersion curves of the fundamental transverse-electrically polarized WGM (TE0 mode) and the square mode ...
Eilbeck, J. C. Enolskii, V. Z. and Holden, H. 2003. The hyperelliptic ζ–function and the integrable massive Thirring model. Proceedings of the Royal Society of ...
Play this game to learn about lots of different elements in the periodic table. While you're watching, look out for where different elements are found in the periodic table. Mrs Roberts ...
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