What does an artificial intelligence (AI) model look like that can answer a wide variety of medical questions using ...
With new imaging technologies we want to make the invisible visible to assist basic medical research, and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Ultrasound, X-rays, and magnetic resonance imaging: ...
The Helmholtz Annual Meeting 2024 will take place on Tuesday, 17 September 2024.
The FS Polarstern in front of a mighty iceberg in Pine Island Bay. Picture: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Johann Klages A unique core from the ocean and complex climate calculations have revealed when and ...
From the seabed to the edge of craters, and from fields to icebergs; we want to understand the Earth so that we can better predict natural disasters and protect against threats such as the impact of ...
Test series, movement patterns, climate values: The amount of digital data is growing rapidly worldwide. This data is a valuable treasure trove of knowledge which we want to make use of with the help ...
Deepfakes are images, videos, texts, or audio files that look deceptively real, but are in reality fake. They may already threaten our democracy in the near future. Our goal: to make sure people can ...
Using particle accelerators, telescopes, and X-ray lasers we explore space and its matter. And with the help of our findings, we are able to develop novel materials that can be designed down to the ...
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are among the greatest threats to global health and food security. To combat this, researchers at HZI are searching for new active substances and developing methods for ...
Our goal is ambitious: We want to defeat widespread diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer and diabetes. To this end, our health researchers are developing state-of-the-art diagnostics, innovative ...