At a John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, Arthur Brooks spoke about evidence-backed ways to create a more meaningful life. Harvard Kennedy School faculty members Erica Chenoweth and Julia Minson explain the ...
2020, Paper: "In this study, we analyze the impacts of minimum wages on firms’ robot adoption using novel panel data related to robots imported by firms in China from 2001 to 2012, a period when most ...
October 12, 2020, Paper; "The SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) pandemic is the greatest threat to prosperity and well-being the US has encountered since the Great ...
March 5, 2021, Opinion: "The labor market improved in February 2021 as employers added 379,000 jobs, leaving the economy at 11.9 million jobs below its pre-pandemic trend. At the same time the ...
December 6, 2020, Opinion: "In the evolution of the U.S. economy over the past four decades, one fact stands out as especially puzzling: the large and fairly steady decline in interest rates. Consider ...
November 30, 2023, Video: "The role of immigration in shaping the nation's economy remains a hotly contested area of debate. Factors such as the real economic benefits of high-skilled versus ...
May/June 2021, Opinion: "For decades, the promise of globalization has rested on a vision of a world in which goods, services, and capital would flow across borders as never before; whatever its other ...
2020, Paper: "Using a multi-method approach, we investigate whether income volatility is associated with financial impatience—the preference to receive a small sum of money immediately over a larger ...
July 2021, Paper: "The technology base upon which democratic societies have relied has transformed rapidly in recent years, with precipitous breakthroughs in telecommunications, data storage, and ...
February 2021, Book Chapter: "I bring up this fact because we live in a time when inequality is high, when demonizing the rich is popular in some political circles, and when various policies are being ...
2020, Paper: "We examine drivers and consequences of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) oversight of whistleblower cases of corporate fraud against the government. We find that the DOJ is more likely to ...
July 2021, Paper: "Financial hardship is an established source of shame. This research explores whether shame is also a driver and exacerbator of financial hardship. Six experimental, archival, and ...