While Europe was caught in the Dark Ages in the centuries that followed the demise of the Roman Empire, the Ageless Wisdom found expression in the Arab world, centred around the city of Baghdad.
What would happen to the rainbow, and the white light it comes from, if the colours related to each other the way we often do as humans? Would Red get angry with Violet and try to shut down that ...
We are told we need to listen to the body, but why is that? Why listen to the body when your head is full of thoughts and chatter – surely the mind is the area we need to concentrate on hearing? But ...
This attractive green roulade is light, tasty and bursting with herby flavours. A treat for the eyes and fun to make, it can be served as a main meal or works really well for picnics and lunch boxes… ...
The relationship between teacher and student plays a pivotal role in education. As children spend most of their day, and many years, in the schooling system the quality of relationships they encounter ...
We wanted to highlight for our August Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon’s presentation that “if everything is energy, then everything is because of energy”. Find out why this “because” is so critical ...
We live in a Universe that is expanding. We know this is so because scientists have made observations that tell us it is true… but how do they know and what does this fact mean to us, living our busy ...
It all started in August 2013 when my girl friend and I were having a strong feeling that we should collect a group of women and rediscover the original Persian dances, just as they were practised way ...
In the first instance, when booking a session for Sacred Esoteric Healing, you may assume you know little about what this form of healing is, and how this healing occurs. You may be curious, with ...
Occasionally we may ask ourselves, "What is the purpose of work?" This question was recently asked by a presenter at a learning forum, and the responses were to: Do these strike you as the kind of ...
This salad is sure to be a favourite at summer barbeques or shared lunches. It is super simple and not shy of flavours; fresh and crisp with a combination of yummy herbs that really make this salad ...
Really? Well yes, there's lots of energy around – obviously movement is energy, sound (like our voices and music) is energy, and light and heat are energy . . . perhaps we can feel that thought is ...