The United States is not a train station, where anyone can wander in and out at will—we are a nation of laws, and we get to ...
A contract to reopen a privately-owned Newark detention center may be the first in a wave of reopenings of shuttered ...
A former deportation officer entered a guilty plea to charges of laundering money while working for the Department of ...
DHS, ODNI and NORTHCOM — powerful organizations established in the wake of 9/11 — continue to be topics of debate and subject to change two decades later.
Ever wonder how changes in Washington, D.C., with this new administration actually impact your daily routine? If you are not ...
The Trump administration is arresting illegal migrants at a break-neck pace, far outpacing the rate at which the Biden White ...
Rather than adopting commonsense measures to fix the United States’ badly broken immigration system to benefit all Americans, ...
Trump administration launched an immigration crackdown in the moments after his inauguration and publicised daily arrest ...
More than 20,000 undocumented immigrants were arrested during the first month Donald Trump was president, according to the ...
The Department of Homeland Security announced a compulsory registry for migrants in the country illegally and threatened jail ...
Robust immigration enforcement was a consistent theme that the Republican party sounded during the presidential campaign. Since taking office, ...