Sea turtles, ancient creatures vital to marine ecosystems, face increasing threats from climate change and human activities.
Newly hatched sea turtles emerged from their nests on a Mombasa beach earlier this month, beginning a perilous journey to the ocean. Nearby, conservationists from Early Birds Banda watched, ready to ...
Armed with new protections, this turtle could be the catalyst for halting a huge and controversial engineering project ...
Blank Park Zoo teamed up with the Iowa DNR and Iowa State University in a multi-year effort to increase the population of ...
A partnership between the Blank Park Zoo, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and Iowa State University is helping an ...
Devros is a graduate student and researcher from the University of Southern Mississippi, and he’s working to tag and ...
The Blanding's turtle is native to Iowa. Habitat loss and low nest success has left the species with a declining population.
The Kemp's ridley sea turtle, the smallest and most endangered sea turtle in the world, is making history in Florida.
Scientists mark turtles by filing a series of tiny V-shaped notches along the edges of their shells. Each turtle is notched ...
Railcars once filled with hustling commuters in the city of Atlanta are now 65 feet below the Atlantic Ocean filled with ...
Three injured Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles, named Foxglove, Peony, and Marigold, received months of care at Sea Turtle Hospital ...
Staff with Blank Park Zoo say they’re celebrating after the hatching of 57 Blanding’s turtles, a species that is considered ...