Melissa looks at Huawei's MateBook X Pro laptop. It's the 2018 model, and while there is a newer version out now, we thought it would be worth a look as it's currently on sale with a decent discount.
Say hello to the two competitors: in the Windows corner there's the 2022 release Huawei MateBook 16S; in the macOS corner there's the 2021 Apple MacBook Pro 16. So which has got your backing?
I can live without regular USB ports, which is something I've suffered through with my current 2016 MacBook Pro. And Huawei also includes a USB-C adapter with the laptop itself, for connecting ...
If you are unsure if you should upgrade to the Huawei MateBook X Pro or the Apple MacBook Pro as your next portable system then be sure to check out T3's Huawei MateBook X Pro vs Apple MacBook Pro ...