The nation's tallest peak, which Trump ordered be renamed Mount McKinley, has not yet been changed in federal databases and is still Denali on Google Maps.
The OHSWCA Division I State Duals take place Saturday at Olentangy Liberty High School. Follow along for brackets, live updates and results.
President McKinley took the train to Niagara Falls on Sept. 6, 1901. He viewed the Niagara Gorge, crossed part-way over the Honeymoon Bridge (staying on the U.S. side of the border) and traveled over ...
The Alaska Legislature has passed a resolution urging President Donald Trump to reverse course and retain the name of North ...
With more than 100 stops across the state, the new Creativity Trail seeks to honor Ohioans who have made strides in music, ...
Trump has heaped praise on William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, born in Niles in Trumbull County and ...
The government is larger today than it was back then, so there was less interest on the part of the oligarchs of the day to ...
W hy has Donald Trump become an ardent admirer of a predecessor most Americans know little or nothing about? “President McKinley made our country very rich through tariffs and t ...
Greater Canton high school basketball scores and recaps, plus wrestling results and other winter sports, from Feb. 3-Feb. 8.
IRWIN: A lot of people, including President Trump, think that the strong manufacturing economy was due to the McKinley tariff, but actually, the 1890s was not a good decade for the U.S. economy. We ...
President Donald Trump says McKinley made the United States prosperous through tariffs. Historians say that’s an incomplete ...
But William McKinley? President Donald Trump has thrust the ... unparalleled in our own history and unrivaled in the history of the world,” Rep. McKinley, R-Ohio, promised of the 1890 act that raised ...