Parmi les accessoires indispensables, le parapluie tient une place importante. Chacun l’utilise au quotidien pour se protéger de la pluie, et aussi par beau temps, pour se protéger du soleil.
Le courant perturbé atlantique remontera vers le nord sous la pression de l’anticyclone des Açores qui tentera son retour. Un samedi instable et frais En attendant cette amélioration, c'est ...
En conséquence, pour ce week-end des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, il faut souvent se munir d'un parapluie, surtout dimanche. Sous l'influence de la goutte froide sur le proche Atlantique ...
RADAR stands for RAdio Detecting And Ranging and as indicated by the name, it is based on the use of radio waves. Radars send out electromagnetic waves similar to wireless computer networks and mobile ...
A man accused of killing his dog at the casino, a sewage issue forces businesses to close, and a hornet nest causes concerns: Josh Croup has some of today's top headlines from 13 Action News.
The Government of Canada announced on February 28, 2017, the replacement of its weather-radar network. During the construction period, until the new radar becomes fully operational, the radar image ...
Meteorologist Joseph Dames says the Twin Cities will enjoy a #Top10WxDay on Friday before some weekend rain.
This week, an i9 Investigation looked into corporal punishment accusations from 15-years ago at a now-closed Christian boarding school north of Cedar Rapids. One former student told us she thought ...