Disney’s follow-up to the 2016 animated hit sailed into theaters with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson reprising his role as Maui.
Jack Black admitted to an ecstasy-fuelled rampage while shooting 'King Kong' in New Zealand with one of his co-stars, who remained nameless.
And lastly, Christmas movies are expected to leave the audience with a revitalized appreciation for faith, family, and the ...
Sony Pictures Entertainment has announced an exciting new addition to the Anaconda franchise, featuring comedy powerhouses Jack Black and Paul Rudd in leading roles. The film is scheduled for a ...
Queensland’s film industry is set for a blockbuster boost in 2025 as Hollywood stars Paul Rudd and Jack Black lead Sony Pictures’ Anaconda remake. Filminghas already begun on the Gold Coast ...
Dear Santa is the latest Christmas film you can enjoy this Holiday season. This quirky fantasy comedy has everything you ...
Choosing the best of the past 12 months — albums and singles, artists and concerts — is an annual ritual that pits passions ...
Here’s one of a few movies on this list that were filmed in black and white, despite being released way past the time when ...
Don’t get me wrong, Jude Law is a capital H Hunk. You know by now that I love a Brit, especially a bookish one. The phrase “countryside widower,” which describes his character Graham, fills my heart ...
Streaming giant Netflix will not be showing the controversial movie Jack Black's Dear Santa, which has left fans breathing a ...
When she's not writing, she likes to dote over her cat, sip black coffee and try out new horror movies. The holidays are ...