Netizen are feeling disappointed with Pertamina, demand compensation and encourage buying fuel from private gas stations.
The price of 95-octane fuel in Indonesia is recorded at US$0.79 or around Rp13,000 per liter. This means that fuel prices in ...
Istilah 'Klasemen Liga Korupsi Indonesia' tengah menjadi sorotan warganet setelah mencuatnya kasus dugaan korupsi PT ...
Pemeringkatan ini dilakukan berdasarkan nilai kerugian negara yang timbul akibat tindak korupsi dalam kasus-kasus tersebut.
Fadjar menegaskan, apresiasi ini menjadi motivasi bagi seluruh insan public relations di Pertamina Group untuk terus ...
Klasemen Liga Korupsi Indonesia sudah muncul sejak tahun lalu, dan kini kembali ramai menjadi topik perbincangan di dunia ...
Indonesia's state energy firm Pertamina said a fire that broke out at its Cilacap refinery complex on Thursday has been extinguished and the refinery's operation is not affected , the company said.
Indonesia's Attorney General's Office arrested two executives at a unit of state energy firm Pertamina on charges of alleged corruption related to fuel quality, following other arrests earlier this ...
They are accused of violating government regulations that require Pertamina to prioritize locally sourced crude oil for ...
INDONESIA’S attorney general’s office said on Tuesday (Feb 25) it had arrested several executives from subsidiaries of ...
Perhelatan ini adalah salah satu kompetisi public relations terbesar di tanah air yang diikuti oleh lebih dari 200 instansi.