New recommendations on how to define obesity would reduce the emphasis on body mass index and also take into account health ...
Starbucks, long synonymous with the idea of a "third space" between home and work, has reversed its open-door policy.
Wildfire smoke causes particularly dangerous air quality, especially for sensitive groups including children and pregnant people.
At least 66 people, most of them dairy workers, have been infected. Last week, the Louisiana Health Department reported the ...
Dozens of exit interviews reviewed by WDAY News include direct criticism of department supervisors, and described work ...
Following the Colorado Department of Public Health of Environment’s discovery that a second chemist may have manipulated ...
The US Food and Drug Administration is proposing that nutrition information be placed on the front of packaged foods to ...
Health officials encourage everyone to pick up a dose and plan to add more Narcan dispensers in additional areas.
The group, which is calling for policies to create “housing abundance” for Vermonters of all income levels, says it won’t take any money from developers.
The Air Quality Index, or AQI, is the primary system used to warn the public when air pollution is dangerous. It’s based on ...
Health and climate experts say wildfire smoke is setting California back in its efforts to reduce air pollution.
Officials are warning of windblown ash and other pollutants from Los Angeles area fires and say air quality readers won't ...