When Peter woke up next day, he wasn't feeling well. I think the heat and all the problems of the day before had made him quite ill. This was the only hotel on our stay where we had breakfast included ...
On Wednesday morning we took our leave of Montepulciano. Even though we hadn't spent much time there it was my favorite of all the cities we had visited in Tuscany. It was the perfect size for ...
Just wanted to come back and give an update on my visa application. I was arrested at the age of 15 in 2005. I returned to the police station on my 16th birthday to be reprimanded for possession of ...
First I just wanted to say thanks for all your comments. It’s really great that you are following along and seem to be enjoying our travels. We woke up a little stiff and sore, I think due to all the ...
Today was a “light” day of riding-only 50 miles lol. We had 623 feet of climbing and had the fun of maneuvering around the state fairgrounds and getting through Syracuse. This is an adventure after ...
I wake in The Cook Islands, a self-governing country (the 133rd that I have visited) that is "in free association" with New Zealand. Because the resort that was supposed to host me was full last night ...
Cortona was forty miles northwest of Montepulciano, which seemed like a long way to drive when I was planning the trip. I might not have included it at all if it wasn’t for the glowing descriptions in ...
Today we are leaving Liwonde National Park behind and journeying north to Lake Malawi. But first, we ask if we can have a short game drive before breakfast. Much to my disappointment, there are not ...
Before I began planning this trip Montepulciano was a name I only knew from wine bottles. Was it a place? A grape? I never gave it much thought. Ironically enough the city of Montepulciano has nothing ...
The plan for the day was for a leisurely start and then a drive through the Queen Elizabeth National Park to our next location at Ishasha in its southern section. We were therefore taking our time, ...
We started our second day here in our lovely pad on the canal with a tasty breakfast prepared by our host Katrien. She left this tray of goodies out side our door in the morning. Still adapting to the ...