Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
A California cat named Aggie, feared dead for two months, was reunited with her owner after being rescued from the Palisades wildfire.
A flood watch has been issued for much of Southern California and will remain in place through Thursday afternoon.
Therefore the options are either make real spending reductions, which might mean laying off workers and closing schools, or ...
In November 2018, the Woolsey Fire struck the Santa Monica Mountains, spreading through parts of both Los Angeles and Ventura counties to become one of the most destructive wildfires the Southern ...
Southern California was being pounded by a major storm Thursday morning, bringing evacuation warnings and fears of mudslides.
In the wake of the Palisades fire, should Malibu's Getty Villa and the Getty Center in nearby Brentwood evacuate — for good?
Despite widespread stress, smoke inhalation and other disruptions caused by the January wildfires, a majority of Los Angeles ...
A powerful March storm has been lashing the West Coast with heavy rainfall, gusty winds and snowfall in the mountains –– ...
The sixth episode of Reacher Season 3 sees Reacher meeting with McCabe, aka Quinn, and getting in a lot of trouble. Read!
Flood watches are in effect for most of L.A. County, with the possibility for flooding across the area. Schoenfeld said there ...