Viktor Orbán, once Hungarian democracy’s greatest champion, is now its greatest enemy, while Republicans in America cheer on ...
Since bursting onto Hungary's political scene as the leading critic of nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, former government insider Peter Magyar has been branded a wife-beater, a psychopath and ...
A Digitális Állampolgárság Alkalmazással (DÁP) csaknem kétszáz állami weboldalra lehet belépni, ilyen például az eSZJA is, ahol az adónk egy százalékát tudjuk felajánlani – közölte a kiemelt társadalm ...
Shocking new documentary reveals how politics and business collide in Hungary! Check out our article to find out more about ...
While the rise of populism has been a global phenomenon since 15 years, it has lately found particularly fertile ground in the lands of the former Danubian monarchy, Austria, Slovakia and Czech ...
“There is so much irony in it,” said Derk Sauer, founder of the Moscow Times, one of the few independent Russian news outlets that do not receive USAID funding. “Putin has been trying to kill ...
Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday Hungary would take steps to ensure all aid funding coming from the United States to NGOs and media critical of the government is revealed, saying the time ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says his government will take legal action to eliminate non-governmental organizations ...
Hungary’s economy is stumbling at a critical time for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Inflation is creeping back, wages are struggling to keep up with rising prices, and the national currency is ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has opened the National Film Institute ’s expanded studio complex in Fót, on the ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s hopes that a strong economy will help his Fidesz party secure another victory in the ...
Bár a péntek reggeli közrádiós interjúban három feltételt is szabott Orbán Viktor kormányfő azért cserébe, hogy az EU meghosszabbítsa a január végén lejáró oroszellenes szankciókat, összességében ...