Nach einem Monat Verhandlungen ist in Wien die Koalitionsvariante Blau-Schwarz geplatzt. FPÖ-Chef Herbert Kickl hat versagt.
Die rechtsextreme FPÖ plant einen radikalen Umbau der österreichischen Medienlandschaft. Besonders der öffentlich-rechtliche ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is hosting Alice Weidel, the Alternative for Germany party's candidate for chancellor, ...
Am Dienstagabend fand in der Wiener Innenstadt die „Demo gegen Rechts“ statt, zu der laut Veranstalter 30.000 Teilnehmer ...
Ungarns Premier Viktor Orbán empfängt AfD-Spitzenkandidatin Alice Weidel in Budapest – ein Treffen mit Signalwirkung für ...
BUDAPEST - Prime Minister Viktor Orban hailed the leader of Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party as an ally who could help "lift the boot" of Brussels from Hungary's chest ...
German far-right chancellor candidate Alice Weidel hailed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as a “great role model” during her first official meeting with a European leader Wednesday in Budapest.
Viktor Orbán met with Alice Weidel, co-leader of Alternative for Germany or AfD, in Hungary’s opulent Carmelite Monastery, Orbán’s headquarters, where they held talks Wednesday morning.
Viktor Orbán met with Alice Weidel, co-leader of Alternative for Germany or AfD, in Hungary’s opulent Carmelite Monastery, Orbán’s headquarters, where they held talks Wednesday morning.
Alice Weidel, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party's candidate for chancellor, left, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban shake hands during a press conference following their meeting in ...