Before the wildfire that destroyed thousands of homes, Altadena was already debating a tense question: should new housing be ...
According to NBA analyst Bill Simmons, the Hornets only have one such player: Brandon Miller. Charlotte arguably has three main pieces that they're probably going to try to build ...
At the end of bills in the California Legislature, there may be “plus sections,” which are uncodified provisions that may do ...
Public utilities can bill directly for hundreds of millions of dollars in shareholder returns despite being in what critics ...
Oregon Senate Bill 551, sponsored by Democrat Janeen Sollman of Hillsboro, would phase out all plastic checkout bags -- ...
President Trump at moments of national tragedy has always been more comfortable finding fault than providing comfort or ...
SMOOTHER OPERATOR — Ada Briceño worked to elect Democrats as a hotel union boss and chair of the Orange County party. Now, ...
Montana landowners have not been required to have a license to kill wolves attacking livestock, pets or threatening humans ...
“While California bills itself as a national leader, we are in the bottom tier of states concerning kid’s dental health,” Bonta said in a news release. “Fluoride varnish is a safe and effective method ...
The Trump administrations says the tariffs will take effect on Feb. 1. Tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada that are set ...
California lawmakers propose legislation that could allow vicims of the devastating Southern California wildfires to sue oil and gas companies.
Lucas Finton covers crime, policing, jails, the courts and criminal justice policy for The Commercial Appeal. He can be reached by phone or email: (901)208-3922 and [email protected], ...