Dear Annie: I’ve known my friend “Ella” for over 50 years. In the last few years, for whatever reason, she only wants to ...
I asked her if she does not want to hear my voice. No answer. I know of other people who are having this same issue. Is this ...
Dear Stepson Problem: You don’t have a stepson problem; you have a husband problem. His refusal to set boundaries is enabling ...
Dear Left Out: It’s understandable that you feel hurt -- not just by the group, but especially by your best friend. You were ...
Dear Have It All: Thank you for sharing your story! You showed that believing in yourself is very powerful. You didn’t let ...
I have noticed things missing in my house. After visiting my daughter’s house, I have noticed some of these things at her ...
"I used to make excuses for him -- saying he was busy or doing chores -- but now I just tell the truth: 'Grandpa’s crabby and ...
"My husband pouts and refuses to come with me when I visit our kids and grandkids, choosing instead to stay home watching TV ...
For years, I put my dream on hold. But in 1981, at age 37, I decided it was now or never. I carved out time -- early mornings before the kids woke up, weekends and stolen moments in between -- to ...
From the time I was in second grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. But everyone around me insisted it was a terrible idea.
I’ve been married for 23 years, but my husband’s 31-year-old son has been a constant source of conflict. He’s manipulative, turns his father against me, and has lived ...
I’ve known my friend “Ella” for over 50 years. In the last few years, for whatever reason, she only wants to communicate with ...