Pearl Street Technologies will help Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) plan the electric grid of the future. As one of the largest grid operators in the United States, MISO ensures power ...
Despite the number of such departments around the country, very few prospective students know what electrical and computer engineers do. Electrical and computer engineering integrates many disciplines ...
The fact that the tunneling current between two ferromagnetic electrodes depends upon the relative orientation of their magnetizations opens enormous possibilities for applications such as nonvolatile ...
For pioneering contributions to hierarchical and distributed modeling and control of large power systems, Marija Ilic, professor emeritus of electrical and computer engineering, has received the 2024 ...
After Richard Djarbeng earned his undergraduate degree in computer engineering from the University of Ghana, he sought an opportunity to apply the skills he learned and continue the type of work he ...
The ECE Department recognizes extraordinary student performance during its annual Diploma Ceremony. Listed below are the recipients of these prestigious awards. Recognizing an ECE undergraduate or ...
CyLab researchers Matt Fredrikson, associate professor in the Software and Societal Systems Department (S3D), and Bryan Parno, Kavčić-Moura professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and ...
Danielle holds a B.A. in Communications and an M.A. in Higher Education. She worked at the University of Pittsburgh prior to joining ECE in 2022. She lives right outside of Pittsburgh with her husband ...
Monique holds a B.S. in Business Administration and an M.B.A.. Monique began her career in higher education at the Tepper School of Business, where she served a number of years in M.B.A. Admissions ...
Cassie Pfannenstiel earned her B.A. in English Writing with minors in English Literature and Hispanic Studies at Montana State University. She then earned an M.A. in Rhetoric here at Carnegie Mellon ...
Kevin Neale is originally from Hubbard, OH and has been with ECE since 2018. He holds a B.S. in digital film and video production from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Before starting at Carnegie ...