- European stock markets drifted lower Wednesday, paring some of the previous session’s China-inspired gains ... Citi hiked its price targets on two Chinese electric vehicle makers, forecasting stronger sales on resilient ...
Gautam Adani, Chairman of the Adani Group, has held a high-level meeting with Eric Martel, CEO of Bombardier, and deliberated ...
In a recent legal development, Hindustan Unilever (NS: HLL) faced a setback regarding a tax dispute involving a significant ... Most Asian stocks rose on Wednesday, with Chinese markets seeing outsized gains after Beijing unveiled a ... Oil prices settled higher Tuesday, underpinned by additional monetary stimulus from China boosting hopes for ...
Bhavish Aggarwal-run Ola Electric's stock tanked further to touch its lowest at Rs 103 apiece in the morning trade on Wednesday, amid repeated warnings by trade analysts for retail investors to wait ... Oil prices fell slightly in Asian trade on Wednesday, cooling after optimism over more stimulus measures in China sparked strong gains in the prior session. Market ...
财联社9月25日讯,市场全天冲高回落,沪指2900点得而复失。沪深两市今日成交额11574亿,较上个交易日放量1860亿,自5月6日以来首次突破万亿。盘面上,大金融股持续大涨,国海证券、天风证券、中粮资本、新力金融等多股涨停。传媒股震荡反弹,值得买、 ...
投资慧眼Insights - 英国央行正在逐步取消其激进的政策紧缩措施,以应对通胀率降至接近2%的目标。英国央行行长安德鲁·贝利指出,随着英国央行对控制通胀的信心增强,利率将会逐步降低。英镑兑美元经过连续五日上涨后,今日冲高回落,市场短线逢高沽压增强 ...
英为财情 -周三,9月25日,A股市场全天冲高回落,沪指 六连涨,盘中一度升破2900点。 截至收盘,上证指数收涨1.16%,报2896.31点,深证成份指数收涨1.21%,报8537.73点,创业板指数(价格)收涨1.62 ...