Project Blue Book team almost got its wish for "swimming UFO's" when this photo turned up. Taken by Jerry Ross ("I'm not a believer in flying saucers." he stressed) in Seattle in January, 1966, the ...
This picture was passed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek by the director of the Ondrejov Observatory in Czechoslovakia. No further details of the sighting are available.
In April 1968, three fishermen from the French fishing-port of Le Brusc were fairly far out at sea, "when suddenly, in a break in the clouds, a sort of 'thing' appeared--ovalish in shape--which was ...
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MICHAEL SAVAGE, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA: Michael Savage, 15 year-old son of a California surgeon, snapped this object near power lines in San Bernadino. He tried to get a second shot but in his ...
Hundreds of witnesses observed a disc, illuminated by bright lights, flying at a low altitude over a residential quarter of Levittown. When dozens of people called the local police station, a patrol ...
"Photo taken near Lake Powell, Utah, using a 35mm disposable camera. No unusual circumstances at the time of the shooting." Joe Clower.
A UFO photographed over Old Bridge, New Jersey on April 5, 1967, which the Air Froce gave an "insufficient data" rating.
This picture sent to Blue Book from Norway in July 1957 has been analyzed by the photographic reconnaissance laboratory at Wright Patterson AFB as a reflection of light on the camera lenses, which is ...
Enclosed please find three photos (one photo and two enlargements) of an unidentified (flying?) object. These were taken recently in Mammoth, CA, by Mr. Ron Reznick, a computer tech and professional ...
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When this photo was taken, the 1966-67 flap ws on the wane -- but interest across the country was still high. This UFO was snapped somewhere in Ohio on September 20, 1967.