GENEVA – Post-election unrest in Mozambique has forced thousands of people to flee their homes. In Malawi, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the government have identified around 2,000 who crossed ...
Please help refugees in need.
The PRIMES* Interoperability Gateway (PING) is a data sharing platform that facilitates secure data sharing between UNHCR and partners. Increasingly, UNHCR relies on partner collaboration that may ...
Please help refugees in need.
Please help refugees in need.
UNHCR works systematically to identify and reduce risks of sexual exploitation, abuse, and sexual harassment in all areas of its work. While eradicating sexual misconduct requires attention to the ...
Please help refugees in need.
Please help refugees in need.
Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, UNHCR Iran reception centers for persons of concern continue to operate with limited capacity for regular in-person interaction for the time being. Nonetheless, ...
UNHCR, de VN-vluchtelingenorganisatie, roept op tot meer financiële steun voor de toenemende behoeften van Soedanese vluchtelingen die in Libië aankomen, nu de aantallen toenemen en de temperaturen ...